WBCSD Academy

    Welcome to the WBCSD Academy, an innovative online learning platform designed to provide member company professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in today's ever-changing business landscape. Our platform offers a wide range of content and courses from various WBCSD projects, including Circular Transition Indicators, Investor Assurance, and Climate Scenario Analysis tool training.

    By registering for a free account on the WBCSD Academy webpage, you'll gain access to the latest and most up-to-date information on critical sustainability topics. Furthermore, we offer a variety of free resources and courses to help get you started, with some additional premium content at a fee.

    Access the platform

    The Academy is user-friendly, interactive, and flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. Don't miss out on this opportunity to upskill and stay ahead of the curve.

    Register for your free account here or log in to continue learning:



    URL: Https://academy.kievgirl.com

    Courses on the WBCSD Academy

    [COURSE] Introduction to sustainability in business

    This fundamentally important course is designed to equip learners with the knowledge, mindset, and practical tools to drive positive change, foster sustainability and inclusivity, and effectively communicate the importance of sustainability within their organizations and society.

    [COURSE] Mastering circular metrics – course 1

    WBCSD’s “Mastering circular metrics” course equips you with future-proof skills to accelerate the transition toward a circular economy. You’ll gain in-depth knowledge of the Circular Transition Indicators (CTI), one of the most comprehensive frameworks available for measuring circularity performance in business.

    [SELF ASSESSMENT & TOOLKITS] Net Zero, Nature Positive and Equity

    A “one-stop shop” enabling CFOs and CROs to determine how to future-proof their business by embedding ESG in decision-making processes & what actions and practical resources are needed to advance their sustainability journey.

    [COURSE] Investor Assurance

    This self-paced online investor course on understanding corporate sustainability assurance allows you to discover how to use third-party assurance for better investment decisions, monitoring and stewardship.

    [SYSTEMS TRAINING] Climate Scenario Analysis Tool Introductory Training

    This self-paced systems training provides learning on climate scenarios for the Food, Forestry and Agriculture sector; how to navigate the Climate Scenario Analysis Tool and how to use the tool to assess impacts and inform decision-making.

    COMING SOON on the WBCSD Academy

    [COURSE] Circular Transition Indicators 2: A step-by-step guide to measure Circularity within your company

    Learn how to perfectly perform your Circular Transition Indicators assessment with the step-by-step guidance of this course.

    [MODULE] VISION 2050: Time to Transform

    We find ourselves at a time in history where an aspirational, shared vision is more important than ever before. Discover a clear understanding of what it means for 9+ billion to live well, within planetary boundaries.​


    1. How can I register myself or my colleagues to take an online course on the WBCSD Academy? Registration is direct on the Academy webpage (http://academy.kievgirl.com) or send us an email: academy@kievgirl.com.
    2. Is registration free? Registration for the WBCSD Academy is absolutely free for everyone.  Access to some of the courses may be paid, however. 
    3. Can I also register my whole team / organization to get access to the WBCSD Academy? Sure, absolutely.  Just let us know which organization you’d like to register at academy@kievgirl.com and we’ll explain the process. 
    4. Can we integrate this learning platform into our existing Learning Management system so our team members don’t need to log in multiple times? Yes, this feature is available to you.  Since this will require some development time, and a small investment, please contact us at academy@kievgirl.com to make it happen. 
    5. Is the WBCSD Academy available to non-member companies as well? Certainly, the academy is available to everyone and every organization. 
    6. Which courses are available to me to access? There are 4 courses and tools already available for you to choose from and another 3 in development.
    7. How do I know which of these courses is relevant to me? Each course description has a detailed overview of learning objectives and target audience. This will help you make a choice. 
    8. Who can I reach out to in case I have questions or feedback about the WBCSD Academy? We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to us through the general email address academy@kievgirl.com. If you prefer, we also welcome any questions or feedback you wish to share with either Maarten Dirks (dirks@kievgirl.com) or Hélène Servais (servais@kievgirl.com). 
    9. Our email security protocols are quite strict. What if I don’t receive the registration email to set up my password, what can I do? Oops, check your junk mail folder or search for an email from learn@kievgirl.com.  If that doesn’t work, please contact academy@kievgirl.com for help.

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